Sabtu, 30 Maret 2013

Health tips

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What if I told you that our health is the most important asset we have. Would you believe me? Why is it today that everybody seems to be suffering from ill health.

You can make a stand and try incorporating these health tips in your daily life and see if they make a difference to your overall health.

Let’s take a look:

Do not smoke-one of the main reasons why people decide not to quit smoking, and unfortunately, the reason why some people take is that the smoke effect supposedly has on you weigh gain or loss. It is true that smoking was associated with an increase in metabolism is a drug!

However, it is a dangerous, addictive drug and certainly the little effect that has on your metabolism is outweighed by the enormous risk of dying of lung cancer.

It is interesting to note that with regard to weight gain and loss, although smoking more than 25 cigarettes a day can increase your metabolism by up to 10% overall, smokers have been found to be non-smoking greased!

Take In more water-you can live for three weeks without food, but can only live for three days without liquid, just think about 3 days and all his own, one might suggest that the liquid is pretty important!

Your body is anywhere between 60 and 70 percent of the fluid. The fluid in your body is responsible for helping to keep every system in your body in good working order, including all metabolic processes.

De-Hydrate and everything slows down. The fluid in your body also guarantees that you can move well and be active.

If you start to dehydrate, slows the body’s ability to do basic tasks and the ability to exercise effectively or even enjoy exercise will be reduced. You will feel tired, lethargic and probably will get a headache.

Eat a variety of foods-for protection against most diseases such as cancer and heart disease requires a variety of foods that provide the mix of nutrients and minerals.

Aim to eat different colored fruits and vegetables. Try eating a different food every month. Eating an Apple a day, as the Apple pectin cleans the digestive system of the body by eliminating toxins and thereby prevent degenerative health problems such as cancer.

Relax for 20 minutes a day-relax for at least 20 minutes a day will go a long way to reduce your blood pressure and your reactions to stress. Sit or lie somewhere comfortable, breathe slowly in and out of your nostrils breathing deeply into your abdomen. Say ham as you inhale and exhale as you KNOW.

These tips are loaded with positive energy and will help you to control your emotions. Try once a day to get fantastic results.

FLOSS every day-floss your teeth every day is the best way to prevent gum disease and protect your heart. Gum disease, which are left untreated, they can lead to inflammatory reactions in the body that can trigger heart disease and stroke.

Drink more tea-try drinking more tea instead of coffee to help protect the body from the harmful effects of free radicals. Tea is a rich source of antioxidants which play an important role in protecting against some cancers and cardiovascular diseases.

Get Active-aerobic exercise not only burns calories, but also increases your metabolism and can maintain elevated for several hours after a workout. You don’t have to spend hours every day on the treadmill or bicycle to reap the benefits.

Exercising aerobically for just 20 minutes, three to five days a week will make a big difference. Extra movement throughout the day is also essential, take the stairs instead of the elevator, losing the remote control and move at every opportunity that we can.

Sleep more-lack of sleep alters hormone levels and ability to metabolize carbohydrates so less sleep = slower metabolism.

Studies have revealed that deep sleep causes the cell repair and cell growth, that speed up your metabolism and burn calories. So aim to get at least eight hours sleep a night.

Eat more protein and increase levels of energy-protein stimulates the brain chemical dopamine that great keeps us alert, try chicken or tuna salads for lunch. Go for complex carbohydrates rather than white flour and sugar, as they represent a source of sustained energy as opposed to a quick shot.

The range of treatments for Crohn's disease

The primary goal for the treatment of Crohn’s disease is to control inflammation in the digestive system. Because most of the symptoms are the result of swelling, most of the negative effects of the disease will cease when inflammation is reduced. Treatment may include medication therapy, or in extreme cases, surgery.

Medications to treat Crohn’s disease falls into one of four categories: nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, immune system suppressors, antibiotics and other drugs for symptom relief.

Anti-inflammatory drugs such as sulfasalazine, mesalamine and corticosteroids, are usually the first step in the treatment of Crohn’s disease. Sulfasalazine is very effective; However, it has serious side effects, such as nausea, vomiting and headache. Mesalamine, on the other hand, has fewer side effects, but has been used for much less time. Corticosteroids are a common treatment for a host of ailments. However, they are less effective in Crohn’s disease and have serious side effects.

Because Crohn’s disease is caused by an exaggerated response of the immune system, immune system suppressors are often an effective form of treatment. Azathioprine and Mercaptopurine are the most common forms used in the treatment of IBD. Unfortunately, many of these medications cause very negative side-effects, such as liver damage, high blood pressure, cancer and increased risk of infection.

Antibiotics are typically used to reduce the infection and heal fistulas and abscesses. These, too, have side effects; However, in case of infection, treatment is necessary to avoid progression.

Symptom relief drugs are often required as the effects of Crohn’s disease are so serious. Anti-diarrheal, laxatives, painkillers, iron supplements and dietary supplements can make it more bearable for Crohn’s sufferers. Due to excessive diarrhea, medication is often necessary to avoid dehydration and to improve the quality of life in General. On the other hand, the inflammation can cause constipation too; so laxatives may be used to promote bowel movements. Abdominal pain is a common ailment among those with IBD; However, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, like ibuprofen and aspirin, should not be used to treat Crohn ‘s. Nutritional supplements and iron can be used to restore deficient in vitamins and minerals to your system.

Surgery is sometimes necessary in severe cases of Crohn ‘s. May be necessary to remove diseased parts of your digestive tract, or simply close fistulas and abscesses. However, surgery is usually used only as a last resort after other treatment methods have been ineffective.

Crohn’s disease cannot be cured; However, with many of these methods of treatment, relief may be available.

Sarah is an acclaimed writer on materia medica and wrote extensively on subjects of attention Deficit Disorder, Crohn’s disease and avian.

Jumat, 29 Maret 2013

How to make sure you have safe drinking water

Of all the necessities and luxuries in life, drinking water might be the best ever! When you are drinking pure, healthy drinking water, you know you’re taking care of your body. Nothing quite like good taste, either! But the big question is: how are you going to verify what they drink is clean and pure? Well, Let’s Find Out!

I’m sorry to say that the clean, pure drinking water, sound is not coming from your faucet at home … or anywhere else, for that matter. I’m sure you’ve heard, but our municipal treatment systems are inadequate for the size and type of pollutants of today. These pollutants are pesticides for prescription drugs. Not only that, but according to where it comes from the water, you potentially billions of micro-organisms in your water, they were able to make it through the treatment plant and survive chlorination.

Bottled water is not necessarily better! The quality of bottled water varies all over the place. Some of it is much worse for you tap water, and some is significantly better. It’s actually easier to know if your municipal water is contaminated than could drink bottled water. Municipal water systems are required to test their water and occasionally make available to the public the results of these tests. I know of no such restrictions covering bottled water. What is potentially worse is that 50% to 70% of bottled water is not covered by Federal restrictions, because it is not carried across state lines. Only State regulations would cover these waters.

So, how are you going to get drinking water? Well, the only way I know how you filter it yourself!

There are a number of different water filters out there, Distiller, reverse osmosis systems, sterilisers, ultraviolet light and carbon and ceramics, filtration systems. They all have their advantages and disadvantages. Distillers, for example, leave flat tasting water. They also sometimes are not recommended for chlorinated water. Reverse osmosis systems can leave water tasting dish, too. Also, remove all traces of minerals such as potassium. UV works well, if there are no inorganic contaminants. Finally, carbon and ceramic filters are probably the best overall.

In other words, if you want to ensure you and your family have drinking water, you’re going to have to filter the water by themselves, just like out of the faucet. To do this, you can buy a water pitcher filter, a filter for a faucet or a whole House filter.

Computer and your health

Can spend too much time in front of a computer lead to some health problems? What are the risks?

Experts say that anything in excess is bad. The same is true with computers. Use them for long periods per day can lead to fatigue, tiredness, dizziness, headaches and a host of other health problems.

This was revealed by Dr. Arthur Frank pf mt. Sinai School of Medicine who has studied the problems associated with the machines of screen and keyboard of your computer.

Studio two-and-a-half-year Frank covered computer users more than a thousand employees of United Press Inter ★ national, Associated Press and newspapers in St. Louis, Memphis, Toronto, Vancouver, Honolulu and New York City.

Compared to non-users, Frank said that computer users suffered more from blurred vision, eyestrain, neck, shoulder and back pain. Those who have worked more often with computers were also more irritable, had trouble sleeping and felt overworked than other employees.

Repetitive strain injury (RSI) are also becoming common with computer workers. This is characterized by swollen fingers, sore wrists and disabling of the hand, arm and neck pain.

“Disturbing as these relationships can be, many of the risks associated with computer use can be prevented,” according to Martin Wong, a technical consultant for Distributed Processing Systems Inc.

“To learn the most common causes of computer anxiety and make some fundamental changes in their place of work and work habits, most people can avoid joining the growing ranks of victims of the computer revolution,” Wong added.

To prevent computer-related problems, Wong suggests the following:

Work in a convenient location where everything you need is easy to reach.

When you are working continuously to your computer, take a break of 15 minutes every hour.

Not to exceed 10,000 to 12,000 keystrokes (approx. 1,700 words) per hour.

When you examine the documents, use a copy stand. Make sure that the document you’re looking at is as high as your computer screen.

Glare reflected from the screen can quickly lead to eyestrain. To reduce the glare, Consumer Reports said that you should:

Arrange your workspace so that neither eyes nor face screen directly in a window or a lamp.

Arrange the lighting so it is directly above the computer.

Keep the light level moderate, not brilliant.